Saturday, December 29, 2018

God's Watching

What if one day you got the very clear unambiguous message that God wanted to visit you. God says that He/She has been watching you and totally loves what you have been doing with your life. All of your strengths and weaknesses, your successes and failures are perfect. In other words, you can do no wrong and God wants to watch you do exactly what you've always been doing.

How would that feel? Would you live that day differently knowing that God accepts you unconditionally, and just wants to BE with you. Can you believe that God will accept ANYTHING you do, unconditionally?

Well, in essence, that is exactly what has been happening all your life. We are all a manifestation of the Divine. Our consciousness is our window to our Soul. Or another way to put it, it's our Divine Overlap.

Everything in life that we believe to be bad or evil, is generated by people who don't understand this. They feel separate from their Divine and that separation creates fear. Everything evil is created by feelings of separation and fear. God understands us, (Himself) so well that He trusts us, (as a manifestation of Himself) to explore individuality, and, to eventually come to an understanding of non-separation AS individuals. Just the realization that we are NEVER really separate from God changes everything.

Its a very effective exercise to imagine, or remember that God is present every moment of the day and loves us exactly the way we are. See how that changes things.